About Us

Why Los Altos Exposures?

A group of concerned parents with children at different schools kept sharing rumors of different classes testing positive - and then connecting the dots that their daughter played with Child X during recess despite being in different classes or is on a soccer team with Child Y from another school. We wanted to aggregate all potential exposures to empower families to manage their own risks and test themselves. Unless exposure says “verified” these are exposures that either 1. have not yet tested positive or 2. have not been confirmed. Please speak with your pediatrician if you have any questions or concerns.

This site is to be used to inform, encourage conversation and never to shame. If you feel anything shared is inappropriate, please email losaltosexposures@gmail.com and we will do our best to accommodate. Aside from school and grade level, no personal information will be shared unless those/the parent of someone impacted asks us to share.


Stay safe! We are in this together!